Bamyx Technologies
5 min readAug 17, 2021


It’s also now much easier to swap out one app in Split View and replace it with another

Image credit: Bamyx Technologies

The best characteristics are those that can be discovered. More people will benefit from full-screen and Split View apps with the upcoming macOS Monterey, just because how to use them is easier.

It’s comparable to how Apple redesigned the same window management choices in iPadOS 15, but it’s not as obvious. On the iPad, whenever you launch a window, an ellipses icon appears at the top, it’s presence naturally draws you to tap

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see settings that are also available in macOS Monterey. Just without the nudge from the ellipses icon, which is always present.

New selections in Mac window management

There are two major modifications, both of which are extremely beneficial. First, when you have a full-screen app, you may now choose to keep the Mac’s menu bar visible.

This doesn’t make the program completely full screen, but it does remove a point of friction. It’s an annoyance, actually, because you need a menu bar option so often in an app.

Previously, you had to move your cursor up toward an invisible menu bar, which would subsequently appear. Like the Dock’s optional hiding and displaying as your mouse approaches it, so the menu bar vanishes when you go away.

You can now control this, just as you do with the Dock. You can also choose to have the menu bar appear all of the time in Settings, Displays.

The second modification is for when your Mac is connected to numerous screens. When you move a window from one screen to another, it will now resize to fit the new display.

Furthermore, it will do so whether the second monitor is directly connected to your Mac or is used through Sidecar.

When Universal Control lets you switch between Mac and iPad screens, Apple hasn’t said whether there would be anything similar. The iPad, on the other hand, lacks Finder windows, and while apps may share the same name and open the same documents, they are still distinct.

As a result, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to slide macOS or program windows between the two.

However, you may still move a window to your iPad right now. However, that is merely a start-up of the current Sidecar feature. Windows resized when transported to the iPad in Sidecar in testing, but did not resize when brought back.

What did not change

On the Mac, you have two window management options. For example, you may have one app take up every pixel on your Mac, which is known as Full Screen. Split View, on the other hand, allows you to have one app take up exactly half of the screen. That can be on the left or right, but it can’t be done alone; if you do it with one app, you’ll need two.

So you can’t use half of your screen for an app and leave the rest for the desktop. You can do it manually by moving the windows around, but you can’t use macOS’s window management to achieve it.

Additional Adjustments

It used to be a pain to go into and out of Split View, and it is still a pain. However, there have been some adjustments.

If you have two apps running in Split View, each taking up half the screen, you may now choose to make one of them Full Screen. When you do that, the other app becomes Full Screen as well.

It’s also now much easier to swap out one app in Split View and replace it with another. That’s also how it works on the iPad right now.

How to use Split View

1. Select an app, then press and hold the green traffic light icon.

2. Select Tile Window to Left of Screen or Right of Screen from the menu that displays.

3. After that, you’ll be offered to choose another window to fill the remaining half of the screen.

The option to change to Full Screen is one of the options that appears when you click and hold on the green light indicator. You can simply click the green indicator once, if that’s what you have in mind to do

How to change one app in Split View

1. Click and hold the green traffic light icon in either app.

2. Select Replace Tiled Window from the drop-down menu.

3. From the list of options, choose a different program or document.

On the Mac, there is always only one active app, one app that is in the foreground. When you’ve got two in Split View, only one will have the traffic light icons in color.

However, if you click and hold on the greyed-out traffic light symbols on the other app, it will present you with an option that includes Replace Tiled Window.

Getting out of Split View

There’s another option named Move window to desktop if you click and hold on the green traffic light icon. This removes the window from Split View and replaces it with a regular Mac window that may be placed anywhere on your screen.

It does, however, turn the other Split View app into a full-screen app. Full Screen and Split View are actually part of macOS’s Screens functionality, which you won’t see at first.

You’ll receive many desktops and be able to organize your work as if you had multiple monitors. You might use one screen for work and the other for enjoyment, and you flick between them.

You’re moving a window from one Space to another when you choose Move window to desktop. In a separate Screen, the other app moves into Full Screen mode.

Apple appears to be unaware that Spaces, Full Screen, and Split View are all part of the same notion. It doesn’t ask you to use Spaces; instead, it does it for you.

You can see all of the Spaces and click to move between them if you slide upwards on a touchpad or move your cursor to the top of the menu bar.

MacOS Monterey is still limited in a way

You still can’t have windows that aren’t full screen or exactly half screen arrange themselves. On an iPad, this isn’t a major concern, but on a Mac, because of the larger screen, it can be.

Slide Over is also available on the iPad, although it is not available on the Mac. Slide Over allows you to bring in a third program from the side and then dismiss it by pushing it back. However, since you’re already utilizing Spaces without realizing it, you may take advantage of it. Create a new screen, launch a third, fourth, or tenth app there, and switch between them as needed.

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